
DSCF0852Marconi Ponds is an area of natural beauty for recreation and wildlife in the centre of Chelmsford. The Nature Reserve comprises a footpath through a beautiful area of wooded land and the ponds.

Marconi Ponds is perfect for wildlife, with badgers, foxes, deer and other wildlife. We are now developing the site into a permanent area for wildlife, education and recreation for the whole community both young and old.

This is your chance to help shape the reserve that is on your doorstep. Local People are invited to help out with various tasks ranging from practical conservation, helping with community events on the site or helping promote and manage the project as part of the ‘friends’ group.

We need as many people as possible to be involved with Marconi Ponds. So if you haven’t a garden but enjoy gardening, or want to create something that the community can enjoy now and in the future and will be loved and remembered, feel free to contact us to help for an hour or two every month.

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