
Green Flag Award 2020
Welcome to the Friends of Marconi Ponds website. You will find lots of information and news about our group including information about how you can join us and become involved. The Marconi Ponds site is an area of wooded land and ponds in central Chelmsford, Essex. The area is perfect for wildlife including foxes, deer, small mammals and a variety of bird species.
Local people are invited to volunteer with tasks ranging from practical conservation, helping with community events on the site or helping to promote and manage the project as part of the ‘Friends’ group. Please feel free to contact us about any aspect of the project. Read more…
The Site is a registered Local Nature Reserve (LNR). LNR is a statutory designation for sites that provide special local interest; the Marconi Ponds Nature Reserve is locally important for wildlife, education and enjoyment. For an overview of the site you can view a short video by selecting the Marconi Ponds Nature Reserve video from the gallery archive. Videos Archive – Love Your Chelmsford
Volunteer sessions have now resumed, please check the Website and Facebook for details.

Friends of Marconi Ponds
- Beautiful woodland
- Nature on your doorstep
- Volunteering opportunities
- Education and family-fun
Contact us
- Friends of Marconi Ponds
A rural retreat in central Chelmsford